Libraries of Modules in Systems Biology --------------------------------------------------------------- In a **Systems biology scenario** modules can represent *basic regulatory mechanisms* or *regulatory motifs* in cellular systems that appear recurrently involving different molecular species interacting according to characteristic rates in specific locations of the cells. For example, the following basic library defines modules representing *positve, negative and constitutive gene expression* as well as some basic transcriptional regulatory motifs in bacterial systems as *negative autoregulation (NAR)* and *incoherent feedforward loop (IFFL)*:: libraryOfModules transcriptionalMotifs Const({X},{c_1},{l}) = { r1: [ geneX ]_l -c_1-> [ geneX + rnaX ]_l } PosReg({X,Y},{c_1,c_2,c_3},{l}) = { r1: [ proteinX + geneY ]_l -c_1-> [ proteinX_geneY ]_l r2: [ proteinX_geneY ]_l -c_2-> [ proteinX + geneY ]_l r3: [ proteinX_geneY ]_l -c_3-> [ proteinX_geneY + rnaY ]_l } NegReg({X,Y},{c_1,c_2},{l}) = { r1: [ proteinX + geneY ]_l -c_1-> [ proteinX_geneY ]_l r2: [ proteinX_geneY ]_l -c_2-> [ proteinX + geneY ]_l } PostTransc({X},{c_1,c_2,c_3},{l}) = { r1: [ rnaX ]_l -c_1-> [ ]_l r2: [ rnaX ]_l -c_2-> [ rnaX + proteinX ]_l r3: [ proteinX ]_l -c_3-> [ ]_l } NAR({X},{c_1,c_2},{l}) = { NegReg({X,X},{c_1,c_2},{l}) from this } IFFL({X,Y,Z},{c_1,c_2,c_3,c_4,c_5,c_6,c_7,c_8},{l}) = { PosReg({X,Y},{c_1,c_2,c_3},{l}) from this PosReg({X,Z},{c_4,c_5,c_6},{l}) from this NegReg({Y,Z},{c_7,c_8},{l}) from this } endLibraryOfModules